We have original works of art only. No prints or reproductions.

The term "tapestry" is often misused as a synonym for "wall hanging" (i.e. embroidery, textile painting, textile collage etc.). True"tapestries" are flat hand-woven hanging textiles. The images are created from discontinuous "weft" or horizontal woven yarn. These wefts are interlaced with vertically aligned threads stretched on a vertical loom. This basic structure, the "warp" is usually made out of cotton while the wefts are made from colored wool yarn. A full size tapestry cartoon is placed in back of the warp. The word "cartoon" means a design, plan or sketch that defines the images, the shapes and the colors of the future tapestry. Each tapestry produced requires collaboration between the designer, coordinator and weaver. It can take up to 12 months to produce 50 to 60 square feet of tapestry. Each tapestry is a one-of-a-kind. All of our tapestries are hand made in the true European tapestry tradition.







Tapestry numbered cartoon and colored wool sampler. Each wool sample corresponds to a cartoon number.


Weaving on a vertical loom - also called "haute-lisse" (left), Close-up: weaving on a vertical loom (right)

Tapestry has been called a mirror of civilization. The earliest recorded tapestry fragment was discovered in the Egyptian tomb of Thotmosis IV, dating back to 1503-1449 BC. During the Middle Ages and Renaissance tapestries became a symbol of luxury and power. They were a status symbol among aristocracy and the sovereign. French kings considered tapestries among their most precious possessions. Tapestries often depicted scenes from court life, mythology or history. The Church commissioned many religious tapestries.

Art of Eastern Europe Inc. of Denver, Colorado USA, has acquired some of the finest contemporary tapestries. Each one combines exceptional design and high quality technical execution. The Romanian designers, coordinators and weavers are among the best found in Europe today.



Tapestry Shows

All images remain copyrighted by each individual artist. Images may not be reproduced, electronically or digitally stored in a retrieval system, nor transmitted by any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, nor otherwise, without prior permission from the Art of Eastern Europe.

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Copyright 2000 by Art of Eastern Europe, Inc. All rights reserved.